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Rehabilitation Grand Rounds - N441

Rehabilitation Grand Rounds

NURS 441 – Health Continuum Recovery Clinical


Purpose of the Assignment

To provide the student an opportunity to integrate previous knowledge from the sciences to the care of a client with a physical disability. Also, to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking and independent judgments in managing care of a client with a physical disability


Student Approach to Assignment

This assignment encouraged me to delve into the intricacies that rehabilitation care entails.  I was able to explore deeper into a condition experienced by thousands of individuals each year and also analyze the treatment and care structure utilized to best care for these patients.  As I provided care to my patient, I was able to serve as a consistent member of the healthcare team that was devoted to assuring that my patient’s care was satisfactory.  Furthermore, I produced a personalized care map to assure that all aspects of my patient’s needs were met before being discharged.


Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

I decided to include this assignment in my portfolio because it serves as an example of the work and holistic care I can provide to patients in unplanned phases of life.  This also highlights my understanding of rehabilitative measures, ability to utilize therapeutic communication, and my ability to provide care to the patient and his family members. 


Critical Thinking

  • Uses decision-making skills in making clinical or professional judgments

    • My first encounter with my patient involved him attempting to leave his bed unadvised which almost resulted in a fall.  For the duration of my clinical experience I was sure to implement bed and chair alarms along with rounding every 30 minutes to assure that he was not engaging in risky behavior which could result in personal injury.



  • Adapts communication methods to patients with special needs

    • My patient experienced complications at times when discerning his left from his right.  To adapt to this, I utilized a piece of red tape on one of his shoes to indicate which said was his right, thus helping to reorient him, while also allowing me to better encourage and instruct him when performing everyday tasks such as putting on his shoes.  Another patient I partnered in caring for experienced a CVA as well which damaged her occipital lobe.  While speaking with her I was sure to address her from the side in which she could see me to assure that she was not startled by my entry and also to assure that she would best be able to understand what was said. 

  • Demonstrates skills in using technology, informatics, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice

    • While providing care to my patient, one of his daughters lived overseas, yet still wanted to be included and up to date regarding his care.  To provide holistic care to the best of my abilities, I encouraged he and his wife to make video calls to his daughter to allow her to visualize his progress and to allow me to explain the intricacies of his care. 



  • Applies research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities and sciences to complement nursing practice

    • During downtime in between therapy appointments I encouraged my patient to rest as much as possible so he would have ample energy when performing his next leg of therapy.  On one instance he emphasized that he enjoyed listening to music so I recommended that he do so because of the positive effects that music can have on one’s energy level and mindset.  On another hand, I recognized that he and his wife’s relationship was inseparable so I encouraged his wife to participate as much in his care as she was willing because this social exchange not only relieves duties from the care staff, but increases social interaction with a loved one, which sociologically, yields numerous positive outcomes.


Honor Code


“I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.”


  • Brandon Sparrer

  • April 6, 2020

  • Signature: Brandon Sparrer

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